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did darth vader love padme

What's the word for changing your mind and not doing what you said you would? I do believe that Darth Vader had love in his heart for Luke, even if it was just a minor spark and it took a lot to bring it out of him. His redemption was becuase of Padme. He had no desire to please the Emperor. However, Anakin released Padmé from it when she lost consciousness, but was still horrified to see what he had done afterwards. Anakin died before Ben was born, but his grandson would come to greatly admire and revere his power. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Warning: SPOILERS for Star Wars: Darth Vader #2. Tarkin first met Vader when the Emperor placed him in charge of the Death Star's construction. Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. Though unaware that his unborn child was actually going to be twins, Anakin sought after a way to save them and Padmé after seeing a vision of their deaths. Darth Vader Uncovers The Secret Hidden in Padme's Tomb. Padmé's death at the end of Revenge of the Sith was a pivotal moment in Anakin Skywalker's life – the point where he truly became Darth Vader ("Noooooooooo"). Except he was distracted by Obi-Wan. So his remorse for what he had done, and his anger at himself was all directed towards Obi-Wan. In Luceno's novel Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (2005) (set shortly after Revenge of the Sith), the Emperor sends Darth Vader to the planet Murkhana to discover why clone troopers there refused to carry out Order 66 against their Jedi generals. In Death Star, it seems the Sith Lord could have potentially discovered Leia's true identity if … Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Kind, compassionate, tender, and loving, he displays many of the same qualities at the core of his nature that Padme displayed herself. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. But what is entirely possible is that he was so angry and hurt by her supposed rejection of him that he acted rashly. 0. However, despite this, while he shows Vader respect, Krennic's hunger for power was such that he was not above asking Vader for help in handling Tarkin despite knowing how Vader clearly respected Tarkin's abilities more than Krennic's, which Tarkin already knew of and thus allowed him to do, knowing Vader would reject him. There's also the fact that he's imprisoned within the biomechanical suit that keeps him alive and can only have his helmet removed once he's within his oxygen-rich, meditation sphere. Kenobi1138 likes this. Basically, Anakin never stopped loving her, even when he got burned after fighting with Obi-Wan, even when he was reborn as Vader. Desperate Sith Husbands Darth Vader was certain he had killed Padmé Amidala on Mustafar, but when a rebel broadcast reveals she is alive, he will stop at nothing to free her from what he assumes is captivity. However, this was disproved when Anakin's son, Luke, was being tortured by Palpatine, and Anakin broke away from the dark side, becoming the good person he once was. Secondly, immediately after Padmé fainted, it was shown that he still loved her. Full Summary inside. His connection with her is what led him to his dark ways. She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Good question to ponder. Despite everything that happened to him, Darth Vader is still Anakin Skywalker (Luke proved that in Episode VI), and Anakin loves Padme. Former Senator Padmé Amidala was certain her husband had been killed on Mustafar, but after seeing Vader across the room during a mission, she is sure that she had been lied to. The character is a primary antagonist in the original trilogy and a primary protagonist in the prequel trilogy. As Vader was following Kanan and Ezra, she tried to buy them time by firing at the Sith Lord, which he easily deflected right back at her causing her to become injured in her forehead and chest, and she would have been killed had it not been for her armor and helmet. You can imagine how horrifyingly traumatic that must be for someone who's a lost soul suffering from depression, soul-crushing guilt and regret, and also grieving for the lives he took, especially his wife and children (until he learns the truth about that situation, anyway). In the Star Wars comics, it is often indicated Leia has a stronger connection to Padme than to Anakin. Anakin is Darth Vader, Sith apprentice, and after recently completing a mission to a high standard, Sidious gives him a gift...his own personal slave called Padme. Why does find not find my directory neither with -name nor with -regex, What is a good noun to refer to somebody who is unhappy. He is worried about what happened to her and given she isn't there when he wakes up, he is concerned about her absence. Leia may have a lot of the same upbringing, education, and career opportunities that Padme had, but the core of her nature is very much like Anakin's. So, his love for Padme - which was rekindled due to the love for his son - is his saving grace in the end. Der Inhalt dieses Videos ist nicht zu 100% kanonisch! And to build it, Vader called on a Dark Side architect newly added to the Star Wars canon. 1 decade ago. So even if he thought Padme betrayed him, Anakin still loves Padme, and he is worried about her. I agree for the most part with a lot of the answers given on here, especially by ASH-Aisyah and StarWarsQuestionsanswered. The Seventh Sister served as one of Vader's dark side adepts, obeying his every command without question. She was shocked and saddened, but finally accepted that Anakin and Vader are the same person, and offered him compassion, firmly stating she would not leave him. There's also a numbness that prevails within him at all times, which I believe is what allows him to push away those deeper feelings and give into the anger and childish belief that everything that happened to him is due to outside influences or betrayals (Obi-Wan, the Jedi, Tusken Raiders, Palpatine, etc...). Following his cyborg reconstruction, Vader asks "Where is Padmé?" The things that he did, destroying the Jedi, fighting against the people he once considered as friends (or even family) no longer mattered, he was willing to destroy all of these just to guarantee the safety of Padme. The character is a primary antagonist in the original trilogy and a primary protagonist in the prequel trilogy. His love for Padme was something pure that, unfortunately due to Anakin's insecurities, fears, and Palpatine's manipulations, was twisted into something dark and possessive/obsessive (which some may argue was already there while he was a Jedi anyway). Darth Vader has finally entered the tomb of Padmé Amidala in search of answers, but instead finds a clue to the truth about the Skywalker twins. When it appeared Obi-Wan had come to kill him, Vader's previous love for former mentor was replaced by pure hatred and he engaged Obi-Wan in combat. Him choking her was something like the impulsive hitting of someone you actually care about. Luke had a hard time coming to terms that Vader was his father, but wished to redeem him instead, even though Anakin was believed to be lost forever. Favorite Answer. Darth Vader dies under the same circumstances as Padmé; his Living Force was ripped from him by the master that was always pulling his strings–Sheev Palpatine, Sith Master Darth Sidious, the Emperor of the First Galactic Empire! Rediscover the story you've come to know and love- the devastating downfall of Anakin Skywalker and his descent into the persona of Darth Vader- told from a certain point of view. Order of operations and rounding for microcontrollers. That journey already proved difficult with Sabé orchestrating a revenge plot to kill him - and it's not to get any easier for the Sith Lord. When he became Darth Vader, Bail was one of the few who knew Anakin and Vader were one-and-the same. Sorry for the slow beginning of this story- I promise it's necessary for the emphasis on the plot difference to avoid confusion and the character development of the story; I hate when Vader just changes just like that, it frustrates and doesn't make the least sense to me. Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! How Do I Compress Multiple Novels' Worth of Plot, Characters, and Worldbuilding into One? Comment. The latest Star Wars tie-ins have just given added meaning to Padmé's funeral scene in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.. Padmé Amidala's life was always destined to end in tragedy; she was beloved by Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, the man whom Emperor Palpatine had decided to fashion into his Sith Apprentice. How many times was Obi-Wan less than honest with Luke? Darth Vader's castle made its debut in Rogue One, but a Star Wars comic now confirms it was built to bring Padme Amidala back to life. Anakin did not love Padmé because of her position as Queen of Naboo and later as Senator of Naboo. The Fifth Brother served as one of Vader's dark side adepts, obeying his every command without question. However, because of Snoke's and Palpatine's corruption, Ben came to see family and sentimental values as a weakness, and murdered his own father Han Solo, to get rid of his feelings of attachment for him and become stronger in the dark side. Vader did not meet his son until nineteen years later when he sensed that his connection to the Force was unusually powerful. STAR WARS is not shy about delving further into the mythos that was not showcased in its nine mainline films - and now some more backstory about … Ben admired more of his maternal grandfather's dark aspects than his light aspects. Palpatine hopes these early missions will teach Vader what it means to be a Sith and crush any remnants of Anakin Skywalker. WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Darth Vader #1, by Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco, Neeraj Menon and VC's Joe Caramagna, on sale now.. The things that he did, destroying the Jedi, fighting against the people he once considered as friends (or even family) no longer mattered, he was willing to destroy all of these just to guarantee the safety of Padme. The rest is explained in this chapter. 1.13.2021 12:30 PM. Another problem is, that he often seemingly went on full auto mode. During their duel, Obi-Wan kept trying to find a trace of his former apprentice in the monster he had become, but as Vader coldly rebuffed all his pleas and made vicious attempts to murder his former mentor, he eventually accepted that Anakin was gone. Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) continued to love Padme long after her death. Immature, guilt-laden, desperate, power-hungry, full of self-hatred, angry, confused, and feeling immense regret; yes. When Kanan was about to fight with Vader, he sensed a cold feeling when Vader arrived or is nearby. Why could Palpatine not sense the good in Darth Vader? I thought there was already a question about this, but I can't seem to find it, even in the 'Question that may have your answer' list. When Palpatine dispatched Anakin to kill the Separatist Council, Anakin cruelly made Nute's death as frightening as possible. At the bidding of her master, Vader ordered the Seventh Sister to partner with the Fifth Brother and continue the Grand Inquisitor's work to hunt down and vanquish the Ghost crew and the Phoenix Squadron they have allied themselves with since Kanan Jarrus is a Jedi and when Ahsoka Tano, Vader's former apprentice, is discovered among them as the Phoenix leader. It only takes a minute to sign up. All of this results in a deeply impressive Darth Vader comic, and I love the creators’ take on this amazing villain. His taking his own life and final words imply the Grand Inquisitor feared whatever punishment Vader would have for him, he was obviously more afraid of his master's wrath than death itself. So while he was filled with remorse for hurting the woman he loved, he blamed Obi-Wan for it, not Padmé. Despite Vader's relentless power, Ahsoka stayed behind on Malachor to give Kanan and Ezra time to escape. I say this brought upon an epiphany because I believe, while witnessing Luke being tortured at the hands of Palpatine and seeing/feeling how much Luke was like Padme in his true nature, this forced him to realize how much of a second-chance this was to save Padme (Luke), like he truly could've long ago had he not believed in the lies of Palpatine. But that self-hatred, along with the hatred he has for all of life, the Jedi, and the galaxy (because Padme isn't there with him and was taken from him), combined with the anger, guilt, regret, despair, depression, and childish reluctance to take the blame for the crimes he committed (against himself, Padme, the Jedi, and the galaxy itself) are what serves to make him a very powerful Sith Lord. Padme did not die in childbirth, and was taken by Obi-Wan into hiding. Can't tip the scales if you don't comprehend what both sides weigh in on and THEN decide what side deserves your support. However, she still aided the Rebel fleet against Vader, despite their past friendship. At the bidding of his master, Vader ordered the Fifth Brother to partner with the Seventh Sister and continue the Grand Inquisitor's work to hunt down and vanquish the Ghost crew and Phoenix Squadron they have allied themselves with since Kanan Jarrus is a Jedi and when Ahsoka Tano, Vader's former apprentice, is discovered among them as the Phoenix leader. In fact, (though this is subjective), he even looks like he's about to break down and cry when he sees her unconscious. Why can’t I turn “fast-paced” into a quality noun by adding the “‑ness” suffix? A human female of the Naberrie family, the woman best remembered as Amidala was born Padmé Naberrie on the bountiful planet of Naboo in 46 BBY. However, after learning of his connection to Leia when he probed Luke's mind, Vader came into shock that he had two children who survived, but used this information to threaten Luke by promising to corrupt Leia if Luke refused to join him. All of the self hatred and loathing that drive him come from how he failed her, all of his external hate comes from his false beliefs that she and Obi-Wan betrayed him, all of his grief comes from her death and all of his fear comes from the loneliness and emptiness he feels … Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. Ultimately, Padmé's belief in her husband, Anakin proved to be right when he sacrificed himself to save their son, Luke. Obi-Wan: Your anger and your lust for power have already done that. He had a desire to learn all he could from him so he could kill him. The true purpose of Darth Vader 's castle has finally been revealed, with the villain's own comic confirming it was built to resurrect Padmé Amidala. Third, he ultimately blamed Obi-Wan for what happened. Even as a Sith Lord, Anakin still loved Padmé very much, but felt great guilt for his actions against her. However, instead of attempting to reason with Anakin, Yoda ordered Obi-Wan to hunt down and kill him, firmly believing that the fallen Jedi was beyond redemption. Admiral Ozzel initally served as the Commander of Death Squadron, Vader's personal armada. Star Wars creator George Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as "the tragedy of Darth Vader".. Which means there's only total silence and his thoughts and emotions to keep him company while he's in there. And no matter what happens, you can't just destroy love with a single act. But can he truly escape his past? And again, Padme is there too, even in his darkest moments and feelings. At the bidding of his master, Vader ordered the Grand Inquisitor to hunt down and vanquish the new found Ghost crew when Kanan Jarrus, their leader, is discovered to be a Jedi. Upon hearing these words, Vader briefly faltered and stared at her for a long moment, seemingly touched by her compassion. Share Share Tweet Email. When Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, killing many Jedi and younglings, Yoda was saddened. But for the most part, they all believe him to be an unfeeling cyborg/machine that carries out the whims and wishes of the Emperor personally. While Leia very much resembles Padme, in both looks and intelligence (not to mention political prowess), it's Luke that's most like her. Ben also came to fear that he may never be as powerful as the Chosen One. He first met and fought Vader during the Siege of Lothal, and barely escaped with his life. Not in love with Padme, even during that passionate outburst of hatred and anger? Indeed, Vader told the Inquisitors about Maul's negative past, as if hoping they would confront and kill Maul for Vader. The character is briefly mentioned in Star Wars (1977), the first film in the original trilogy, which was later subtitled Episode IV – A New Hope. Although it is unknown if they have ever met in person, even as Darth Vader, Anakin likely despises Maul due to his rivalry with Obi-Wan Kenobi and his role in the death of their close friend and Kenobi's master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Achtung! Princess Leia resists Vader's probe, revealing her Force sensitivity to him. Even as Darth Vader, Anakin still hated Nute for his attempted assassinations on his wife Padmé. He never stopped loving her, and that moment of anger was just that: a moment. He was mad enough at her to hate her for that moment, but deep down, he still loved her nomatter what. And then after that, feeling horrified and remorseful. After being told that Padmé had died, Vader becomes devastated by the death of his wife and apparent death of his unborn child, ultimately completing his transformation into a Sith. Ahsoka was unaware of Anakin's transformation after the Clone Wars, and when she discovered the truth, she was left heartbroken and in shock that her former mentor was the Sith threat she was facing. The relationships of Darth Vader from the Star Wars universe. Vader did assume that his child had died when Padme died. Despite them professing their love, he hated that they were trying to stop him from becoming what he saw as greatness, and Vader's research comes to a boil when the droid accesses holograms showing Padme in her birth chamber, which would become her deathbed. And in new preview images from the series, Anakin Skywalker's greatest love has now become Darth Vader's torment. Strong feeling like love don't just vanish in an instant because your lover betrayed you. Dais Johnston. Luke, presented with Anakin in his last moments, saw who his father was at last and Anakin thanked him for never giving up hope in saving him. Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Vader coldly claimed that Anakin Skywalker was weak and that he (Vader) destroyed him. Well, maybe Vader wanted to finish Padme off if she somehow survived. Anakin forced Nute to watch him kill his allies among the Separatist leaders, and then killed him as he pleaded for mercy. Vader even notices Leia's beauty and is surprised by the similarities between her and Padme. By the time he met her on the Death Star, the encounter with his daughter was a cruel twist of fate. After Ahsoka slashed off part of Vader's mask, she saw Anakin's disfigured face beneath it. However, this was disproved when Anakin's son, Luke, was being tortured by Palpatine, and Anakin broke away from the dark side, becoming the good person he once was. So, to me, if Padme is truly that much a part of him, and that he is the child created by the will of the Force itself (though some debate that topic as well), then Padme is very much a big reason for the purpose of his existence in the first place...aside from the whole prophecy/being a Jedi/destined to bring Balance to the Force thing, etc... (lol). Yes, Vader thinks about Padme. After Obi-Wan dismembered Vader and won the duel, he could not bring himself to murder his defenseless enemy in cold blood, and remorsefully left Vader to be consumed by the fires of Mustafar. After her husband became Vader, Padmé w… 174 2 2 bronze badges. Möge die Macht mit euch sein! The discovery rekindled the love he had as Anakin for his family and sought to protect Luke from Palpatine, but Vader's influence still led him to desire turning Luke to the dark side. Up with references or personal experience trained her childbirth, and that he developed a deep self-loathing, I. 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